Mapping of TECHNICAL CRITERIA related to hand protection

To meet our customers’ needs, Deck has listed and sorted all technical criteria involved in glove composition. All these criteria are available in our search module.

Deck by technical criterion

When looking for a glove, you sometimes have a very specific technical criterion in mind. For example, you may be looking for a specific coating or type of cuff. This is precisely what our technical criteria search is for. You can access this feature at any time by opening the search by criterion on the right-hand side of the search bar and then clicking on “search by criterion” / “hand protection” / “technical criterion”.

Deck takes into account dozens of technical criteria involved in glove composition. We have selected the most relevant and grouped them by theme to help you find them easily:

You can receive guidance at any time by clicking on the “guide me” panel. Our algorithms ask you the right questions, in the right order, to successfully outline the technical profile of the product you are looking for. You search for criteria by theme.

If, for instance, you are benchmarking knitted gloves coated with nitrile foam on the fist, you can search for the “coating” theme. You then have 2 choices: be guided throughout (Guide me through the coatings / skip benefits / skip grip / material = nitrile / finish = foam / level of coating = fist). The first two questions are not relevant for this research, so you can skip them and then specify your search: material = nitrile, finish = foam, coating level = fist.

You can also combine several criteria available under the “coating” theme by searching for them separately, one after the other.

The technical criterion themes allow you to easily explore:

  •        Coatings, for which you can find all related criteria.
  •        Fibres, which you can select by name or using the properties they confer to gloves (cut resistance, heat resistance, etc.).
  •        Leathers, as you can specify which parts of the glove should be made of leather, the type of leather, its quality, its treatments, etc.
  •        Materials used for cut and sewn glove (you can pick palm and back materials independently).
  •        Criteria associated with waterproof gloves.
  •        Reinforcements, for which you can specify location and material.
  •        Types of wrist.

It’s up to you to combine the right criteria to find the right products!

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