LICENCES: I wish to manage my users’ licences
Licensing allows a user to access one or more entities (environments) on your platform.
Types of licences
The type of licence will be chosen according to your user’s role on the platform:
- Viewer: a Viewer licence allows the user to read, i.e. consult the database and the information that your company makes available to them in up to 3 entities.
- Contributor: a User license allows the user to read and contribute across all entities put at their disposal. In particular, they can add comments, price quotes, share their expertise and import their customer information...
- Architect: a Power user license allows the user to read, contribute, as well as create, manage as admin and share new entities (create new organisational entities, new customers, etc.).
How to manage and allocate licences?
When you subscribe to the Deck platform, you buy a credits quota that can be converted into the licences of your choice, based on the following scale:
1 credit = 15 Viewer licences = 3 User licences = 1 Power User licence
At any time, you can change a user’s licence type or suspend or delete a user’s licence from the “Accounts” tab (Settings / Accounts) on the platform (see Account Management). These changes will either release or allocate your available quota.
You have 10 credits and none are allocated. This means you can create:
- 10 Power User licences (Architect)
- 30 User licences (Contributor)
- 150 Viewer licences (Viewer)